What is mobility and why is it more valuable than flexibility alone? Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) and its uses in the betterment of health and performance.
Oftentimes, flexibility and mobility are conflated, and although they are in the same domain of health and fitness, they are entirely different things. Flexibility is the ability for one to passively achieve a range of motion (PROM). This is done by using an external force by which to help move the limb or joint in question to its greatest range of motion (ROM) (i.e using your hands to pull your leg up for greater hip flexion) (image 1a.). Conversely, mobility is the extent to which one can actively move through a particular range of motion (AROM). This implies the use of one’s own musculature and internal strength to obtain the ROM without the aid of an external force (i.e bringing your leg into hip flexion using only the muscles responsible for hip flexion)(image 1b.).
Image 1a. Bent-knee hip flexion PROM using hands as external force. Yellow lines approximate angle of hip flexion.
Image 1b. Bent-knee Hip flexion AROM. Yellow lines approximate angle of hip flexion.
Flexibility on its own has been considered “useless range” as it amounts to ROMs an individual has no motor control over, and has not been shown to prevent injury or improve athletic performance. In fact, stretching to obtain flexibility on its own does not create any lasting physical changes to tissue quality but rather reduces the stretch tolerance of the nervous system thereby granting an individual greater access to only PROM. Mobility, on the other hand, improves control in both long and short ranges of motion thereby expanding usable ranges of an articulation, or joint. Mobility, unlike flexibility, can also be integrated into functional movement patterns, be translated into agility work, and improve articular stability and function. Mobility is the main determinant of how well an individual is capable of moving their body and the benefits of greater neurological control in regards to performance and injury mitigation cannot be understated.
By implementing the Functional Range Conditioning (FRC) model, we systematically increase the mobility and overall performance of an individual. In addition, through the implementation of this paradigm, we increase the resiliency and longevity of our joints and tissues, and stimulate progressive tissue adaptation which aids in injury prevention and rehabilitation. At Underdog Strength and Conditioning, FRC is implemented to establish the foundation upon which we create healthier, more robust articulations to aid in performance, injury prevention, and rehabilitation to ensure everyone lives at their peak potential.
To learn more learn more, or to book a free consultation, visit https://www.underdogunleashed.com/bookaconsultation
If you would like to learn more about the FRC model, visit www.functionalanatomyseminars.com